Sunday, February 16, 2025


Divine Musings – 8

(These are near-death experiences I had during April 2018 when I fell unconscious. It’s magical that I remember them even after regaining consciousness)

Oh where am I, oh where am I?!
I’m smiling now, I’m smiling now!
My heart discovered its own nigh,
my mind exposed to new found love
and soul in buoyant silent sky!

Is this the heaven or the way
to great Empyrean? It’s just
the feel, not place, I know, where plays
my spirit, to earn eternal rest.
But here I see a tunnel splayed
open with zipping out wild gusts!

Also read: THE ORPHAN

It’s wide open my side, with light
effusing with the violent squall.
The other end was dark like night
following day with twisted wall!
I kept waiting for some winged sprite
ushering with a floral trawl.

It’s consciousness aroused in deep
unconscious state, when inner eyes
opened with gnostic light to peep
into the truth of mystic highs
and ears became all ears to bleeps
of star alarms from endless skies.

Also read: JOURNEY

Who said the last journey begins
with long agonising pain of stings
by scorpions, like thousand pins
impaled through skin and that the rings
of Yama’s bull create a din?!

It’s joy, it’s joy…a ceaseless joy
…I wished it continued!
I simpered like an innocent boy,
as more that spectacle I viewed,
with great expectancy alloyed
with awe and musings multihued!

Also read: WHO AM I?

I kept watching and waiting keen,
for that dark rear end open up,
before something happens to wean
my mirth, and halt my final trip!
My limbs were numb and pneuma clean
and clear…oh come on, haul me up!

Oh this’s my time and this’s my chance
…so close to Nirvana…the end!
Let no one disturb; no one lance
these precious jiffs of joy I spend
and no one breach this blissful trance!
O’ Lord, let raptures these extend!

Also read: TUNNEL

When sudd’nly, sensed my frozen nose
something so strong…oh turmeric
and heard I voices so close
but bleak! Oh who’s that maverick
rubbing my soles…whose hands are those
patting my back with gentle flicks!?

A dozen voices were heard;
some shrieking, crying some and some
murmuring low! I felt a weird
conflict inside and out and a glum
feeling of being denied the spurred
soft symphony of cosmic thrums.

So many hands were working hard
on mortal effigy mine; dead
by senses, but through spinal cord
awoke my spirit on starry bed
in yonder boudoir, nigh to Lord
and far away from earthly stead.

I heard of Rigor Mortis…why
it’s happen’ng not, to free this soul
from rigours of the life! I pried
again through that mysterious hole
that looked now like an opened eye
ready to spread it’s aureole!

I never knew that death means joy;
the end of earthly life’s travails.
When mutable engrossments cloy,
the death is a fortunate avail;
be natural or by the ploy
vile, of an enemy in guile.

My shackled joy of death and will
to reach that point pivotal
remained behind the closed door-grill
of life’s impregnable jail walls.
I waited, waited, waited, till
I woke up in the hospital!

Mydavolu Venkata Sesha Sathyanarayana, who writes with the pen name MAHATHI, is a renowned Indian English poet. He has been on a mission to popularize Indian epics and philosophy, through his poems and long poems; especially in Western countries. He basically composes metrical verses in classical style, though not averse to composing free verses. His books FINDING THE MOTHER (SRI SUNDARA KANDA), HARE KRISHNA, OCEAN BLUES and THE GANGES AND OTHER POEMS are very popular and brought him great name and fame. His poems are published in a number of Indian and American print magazines. Poet's phone number: +91 93093 76172

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