Thursday, February 13, 2025

Vishnu descended to see three aalwaars together

10. Tiruppavai

In this tenth song Goda is awakening and inviting 5thGopika to join this thirty-day Worship -Nomu)

Nottrusuvargam Pugugindra Ammanay

Mattramum Thaaroro? Vassal Thiravadhaar

Nattra Thuzhay Mudi Naaraayanan Nammaal

Pottra-p-parai Tharum Punniyanaal Pandorunaal

Kootrathin Vaay Veezhnda Kumbakarnanum

Thottram Unakke Perum Thuyilthan Thandaano

Aattra Anandhal Udayaiy! Arungalame

Thettraamaiy Vandhu Thira-el or Empaavaai

English Poem

Enjoying Paradise after devotional Nomu (vow)

Speak at least one word, Amma, open the door

Naaraayana’ crown is decorated with Tulasi garlands

He inspires us to sing in his praise & grants Parai

Has dying Kumbhakarna gifted sleep to you?

Do not slip in post-sleep-effect, step out cautiously.

Slowly Get up from slumber, you are a jewel.

Open the door and join us for our Nomu, dear.

            Goda Devi is addressing fifth Gopika in this tenth Song. Oh dear girl, a jewel amongst the devotees, perhaps you are enjoying deep sleep, right, if not opening the door, at least respond. Naaraayana, has Tulasi strings on His crown. He inspires us to sing Pallaandu (Mangalasanam) and grants Parai, a music instrument, and higher lokas. He is embodiment of righteousness.  Has Kumbhakarna when he courted death at the hands of Lord Raama, handed over his sleep to you? Please shed your sleepy mood, do not trip from steps, be cautious, wake up and slowly come over here; open the door to meet us. Let us join the Nomu.

Also read: Mysterious Madhava, Vaikunthesha –Come

Krishna initially promised that he would gift divine Parai instrument of music when Gopikaas reach Him. The inner meaning is that He promised to liberate the souls from the vicious cycle of birth, death to rebirth. On tenth day, Goda has approached a Gopika who is an ardent devotee of Krishna. In fact, she was not sleeping. She was always immersed in thoughts and meditating on the good deeds of Naaraayana. In such deep meditation, she may not listen to any or speak back. It looks as if she is deaf and dumb. Goda knew this. That is why she asks her “I know you are enjoying Sri Krishna Anubhavam.

Raama hesitates at firstwhen Sita wanted to accompany Him on His Exile. Then she says, “It’s heaven for me to be with you, and hell without you”. Gopika is also in a similar state of meditation. For them Vratam is no issue. They are confident that Krishna will take care of everything and hence they were not worried. Bhagavan is an embodiment of happiness. Bhagavan has come in the form of Krishna. If you can go near him and falls in his good sight, there is no need for any other route. This is the prime message of this Paashuram, knowing Lord Krishna.

The conversation between Goda and fifth Gopika goes on like this:

Goda:  You are a jewel, please come and lead us. Kindly answer us. As you love Krishna most, we can gain easy entry if you are with us. But you are silent.

Gopika is silent as she pleasantly surprised for being addressed as leader. Another side of silence is she is in deep meditation of Krishna and thus could not hear the calls.

Also read: Kulasekhara Alwar became threshold before Venkateshwara

Goda: You have closed doors and stopped talking? You alone are enjoying Krishna’s association. You surrendered everything to Him. Please think about us also. Tell something at least in anger.

Gopika: You say that I have given everything to Krishna. Do you think Krishna is with me inside this residence?

Goda: If Krishna is inside with you, you cannot hide Him. You may hide yourself. The fragrance of Tulasi strings decorating His Crown reveals Him. Krishna loves Tulasi, who is wife of Vishnu. Wherever there are Tulasi gardens, you will find Krishna there. Wherever He is, there will be fragrance of Tulasi.

Gopika: When He embraced me long back the Tulasi fragrance has been spread on my body. Perhaps you are getting that odour now. When you are around our house, how could He cross you and enter my house? Krishna is not here.

Goda: Can doors stop Him. He is spread every inch of the universe. And He can appear anywhere. He showers kindness to all. Please share the joy of Krishna with us also.  He gives Punya also to all. Once Kumbhakarna walked into the death by attacking Him in war. When Raama protects everyone, why He should kill Kumbakarna. Did Kumbhakarna gift his sleep to you before his death?

Kumba Karna is also the name of AgasthyaMaha Muni. Agasthya is born from earth-pot. While going to attend the marriage of Parvathi and Shiva, and climbing Himalaya, the legend says that Himalaya has bent towards Agasthya. On another occasion Meru and Vindhya hills were competing and outgrowing each other. To stop the growth of Vindhya, Indra and other Devathas prayed to Agashya. When Agasthya went near him, Vindhya bent like a shishya. Agasthya blessed him to stay like that. Agam means Hill. Stha means stalling. Agasthya is the author of DravidaVyakarana rules. He killed Vaataapi demon by digesting him in his stomach. Goda asks even Agasthya is defeated with you.

There are two addresses in the vocative case in this pasuram – Nottrusuvargam Pugugindra Ammanay and Arun Kamale – both bring out the excellence of this gopi and thereby imply the excellent characteristics of good Sri Vaishnavas.

Suvargam (Paradaise) here means the only union with God. Sita says while pressing Rama to take her with Him to the forest,” If I am with you that is heaven for me. Separation from you means hell.” The girl here has completed all her rites by surrendering to the Lord and hence is enjoying His company. So also for a Sri Vaishnava, there remains nothing to be done by way of” Upaaya” after accepting Him as the sole refuge. Saranagatam.

Also read: Wake-up calls of Chirping birds before dawn

2.Arun Kamale! “Kalam” has two meanings (a) vessel and (b) ornament; A Sri Vaishnava is the vessel to contain His Grace. A Sri Vaishnava possesses superior ornaments in the form of virtues; or he himself is the best ornament embellishing the gatherings of other Sri Vaishnavas. Suvarga  can also be broken up into Su-Varga (Su-good Varga-gathering). If a man possesses all good qualities he will be taken into the fold of Sri Vaishnavites.

First Three Aalwaars of 12

Goda refers to three Aalwaars. 1. PoyigaiAalwaar (Saro yogi), 2. Poodattalwaar (Bhoodayogi) 3. Peyaalwaar (Mahayogi) are early yogis of Vaishnavism in Dwaapara Yuga. Peyaalwaar was born in Munikairavam well in a red lotus flower, near Mylapur of Chennai. He was crazy for Bhagavan and appears like a maverick, like the deaf, dumb or blind etc. He used to spend all his time in singing praises of God. Once, Parvati and Parameshwara wanted to test his devotion. They appeared before him and granted a boon, just to know what he demands. Interestingly, he asked “Please insert thread into the needle’s hole. I am not able to do this. I need to stitch this Bontha (quilt). People used to call him mad (pey) person. He does not have any needs at all. Except Bhagawan, he does not ask for anything. Vishnu was also watching PeyAalwaar. Pleased with simplicity, Vishnu appeared before him. Peya sang in praise of Sri TrivikRaaman in Tirukkovalur. Peyaalwaar was residing in a small room in village of Tirukkovlaur. The space is so small that just one person could sleep. As it was heavily raining, Bhootha Yogi wanted to get into this small room. Peya got up and said, no problem come in, this place can accommodate one to sleep but two can sit comfortably. Later, third Aalwaar -Maaya Yogi (Bhoothaalwaar) also arrived there to escape rain. Peya said, “no problem, here three can comfortably stand”.  As three Aalwaars joined together Lord Naaraayana Himself wanted to see the trio to touch them and entered in the form of light.  They recognized the ‘light’ as Naaraayana and sang Mangalaasaasanam. Goda refers to this light in this song.Gopika inside is not having Taamasanidra. It was yoga nidra. In this 10th song Sri ParankushaDaasaayanaMaha was the mantra Goda incorporated.

Also read: Goda’s love letter: A poetic garland

Madabhushi Sridhar

Prof. M. Sridhar Acharyulu
Prof. M. Sridhar Acharyulu
Author is Dean, Professor of law at Mahindra University at Hyderabad and former Central Information Commissioner. He published a number books in English and Telugu.

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