Tiruppavai 25
NeruppennaNinraNedumaley! Unnai
VaruththamumTheerndhuMagizhndhu-el or empaavaai
English Poem
Born to a divine woman in one night.
Travelled to another mother in hiding.
Overcoming all the attacks of demon,
who planned to harm you in many ways,You
Instilled killing fire of fear in Kamsa’s mind,
O Supreme Self, We all wantonly came,
Seeking your unlimited grace, to serve you,
To sing your glory, O Krishna.to get relieved of all pains.
Sri Krishnavatharam is a comprehensive phase of Vishnu. It is not like descending on earth to perform just one transaction of securing a devotee elephant caught by crocodile -Gajendra Moksha or instantly born out of pillar Narasimha to save Prahlada. Sri Krishna had varieties of purposes to serve in a prolonged life. While Rama had to fight the demons in his youth, Krishna’s battle with demons beginsright fromHis birth itself. Though born with super-natural powers i.e., four hands and Sankha and Chakra, he has to hide all that and move secretly out of prison. Krishna blessed the divine mother with His birth but had to leave herthe next minute and move to another blessed mother far from the city. They fear to speak about the birth of a boy, the name of the motherdue to the fear of Kamsa who ordered his evil forces to kill the infants of a few weeks age. Gopikas and Godawere so immersed in the story of Krishna that they feel the tremors of Kamsa’s threat to the life of Krishna even during their Vratam. Devaki and Vasudeva could not enjoy the bliss of having Vishnu as their son aswere tense and always worried about hiding him from Kamsa. They had to give up just born son to Yashoda inVrepalle.
Also read: Vishwamitra Calls Him Narasaardoola
Yashoda is an equally blessed personality to bring up Vishnu as a child. But she also was frightened with the series of attacks on Krishna within a few days of his birth. Poothana, Sakataasura and several other such demons come to attack in a sequence. Yet,fearless Krishna went on givingtense situations to Kamsa and his gang.
Goda’s team of devotees plead with Krishna saying: “You need not descend for us. We do not generate any necessity to come to a particular place to save us. We, on our own reach you. We have no demands or needs at all. It is enough if we have your darshan. We want you, and nothing else.”
Sri Krishna responds: “You claim that you do not want anything but Parai?”
Gopikas&Goda: “You wanted to give parai. If you give, we will takeit. We do not want to say no, as You may think that we are independently deciding. We desire to sing your glory. You are so rich that even Mahalakshmi could ask for some wealth from You. The moment we saw you we are relieved of pain caused by separation from you. All these days we could not even take your name, fearing Kamsa. Now we donot have that fear. We happily sing your name and fame. That is enough for us”.
Also read: Krishna walks like a lion, towards Simhasan
Parai is a music instrument, which is mentioned at two or three pashurams. It begins with the promise of Sri Krishna to gift Parai to Gopikas. The word has another meaning, Parai the other divine space beyond this visible materialistic world, which is filled with bliss and nothing else. When they reach Lord Sri Krishna, they ignore the promise of this gift and say, “we do not need anything. After your divine darshan, every other thing is so small and useless that none would ask for it”.
NeruppennaNinraNedumaley! Unnai
VaruththamumTheerndhuMagizhndhu-el or empaavaai
English Poem
Born to a divine woman in one night.
Travelled to another mother in hiding.
Overcoming all the attacks of demon,
who planned to harm you in many ways,You
Instilled killing fire of fear in Kamsa’s mind,
O Supreme Self, We all wantonly came,
Seeking your unlimited grace, to serve you,
To sing your glory, O Krishna.to get relieved of all pains.

Sri Krishnavatharam is a comprehensive phase of Vishnu. It is not like descending on earth to perform just one transaction of securing a devotee elephant caught by crocodile -Gajendra Moksha or instantly born out of pillar Narasimha to save Prahlada. Sri Krishna had varieties of purposes to serve in a prolonged life. While Rama had to fight the demons in his youth, Krishna’s battle with demons beginsright fromHis birth itself. Though born with super-natural powers i.e., four hands and Sankha and Chakra, he has to hide all that and move secretly out of prison. Krishna blessed the divine mother with His birth but had to leave herthe next minute and move to another blessed mother far from the city. They fear to speak about the birth of a boy, the name of the motherdue to the fear of Kamsa who ordered his evil forces to kill the infants of a few weeks age. Gopikas and Godawere so immersed in the story of Krishna that they feel the tremors of Kamsa’s threat to the life of Krishna even during their Vratam. Devaki and Vasudeva could not enjoy the bliss of having Vishnu as their son aswere tense and always worried about hiding him from Kamsa. They had to give up just born son to Yashoda in Vrepalle.
Also read: Bhakta Pothana in Goda’s song
Yashoda is an equally blessed personality to bring up Vishnu as a child. But she also was frightened with the series of attacks on Krishna within a few days of his birth. Poothana, Sakataasura and several other such demons come to attack in a sequence. Yet,fearless Krishna went on givingtense situations to Kamsa and his gang.
Goda’s team of devotees plead with Krishna saying: “You need not descend for us. We do not generate any necessity to come to a particular place to save us. We, on our own reach you. We have no demands or needs at all. It is enough if we have your darshan. We want you, and nothing else.”
Sri Krishna responds: “You claim that you do not want anything but Parai?”
Gopikas&Goda: “You wanted to give parai. If you give, we will takeit. We do not want to say no, as You may think that we are independently deciding. We desire to sing your glory. You are so rich that even Mahalakshmi could ask for some wealth from You. The moment we saw you we are relieved of pain caused by separation from you. All these days we could not even take your name, fearing Kamsa. Now we donot have that fear. We happily sing your name and fame. That is enough for us”.
Also read: Kings are forgotten, Rishis live on
Parai is a music instrument, which is mentioned at two or three pashurams. It begins with the promise of Sri Krishna to gift Parai to Gopikas. The word has another meaning, Parai the other divine space beyond this visible materialistic world, which is filled with bliss and nothing else. When they reach Lord Sri Krishna, they ignore the promise of this gift and say, “we do not need anything. After your divine darshan, every other thing is so small and useless that none would ask for it”.

Also read: Generous God and Guru