Usually when you refer to your college days you say that you belong to a particular batch and mention the names of famous people in your batch.
If someone asks me to which time I belong I would say I belong to the era of SP Balasubramanyam, Yandamuri Virendranadh and Chandra Babu Naidu. Of course now I feel like adding Narendra Modi’s name too.
Also read: Subjugation of Executive
I have seen SP Balasubramanyam begging NEFJA Sundararami Reddy to permit him to sing a song behind the screen during stage decoration time between dramas in Nellore Town Hall as a boy of seventeen or so. What a rise from that situation in spite of opposition from most people in the industry who preferred Ramakrishna who later had to leave industry as he lacked originality. Unlike others SP brought many new singers to industry with his singing competitions. His melodious voice coupled with his talent in mimicry made him supreme. He became a legend but he made his father’s statue stand beside great Ghantasala in Nellore.
Also read: Indian Democracy
(Today is Birthday of Sri SP Balasubramanyam)