Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Subjugation of Executive

Makers of our constitution gave equal and independent status to Legislature, Executive and Judiciary.  The singular purpose of all the three wings is public welfare. Legislators make laws, executives implement them and judiciary checks unlawful activities. But, of late, we find most of the executives towing the line of or being dominated by legislators. The independence of executive officers has been gradually decreasing and today many remain helpless followers of legislators. This is leading to a kind of paralysis in the executive. Consequently even law and order is neglected. Thanks to Judiciary which, besides retaining its independence, is trying to remind the executive of its obligation to public.

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Interaction between a minister and the Secretary of the department concerned (a senior IAS officer) may be necessary for proper understanding of the laws to be implemented. At other levels there need not be any interaction between legislators and executive officers. Still subjugation of executives is there from Central government to Panchayats. Are the legislators responsible for this or is this self destruction of the dignity of the executives? Let us ponder over these.

Some Legislators spend a lot of money to get elected and it is expected that they recover more than what they spend. If the Executive is watchful they would not be able to spend or recover the money. In other words a politician seeks the cooperation of the executive in getting elected and after getting power subjugates the executive by allowing him to make some money for himself. Thus there is an unholy nexus between the legislators and the executives and this continues.

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Another factor that subjugates employees to politicians is transfers. In fact transfer of an officer is done by his superior officer. But at every stage, from lowest to highest level, politicians intervene and see that people who are subservient to them get posted in their areas. This is done only to perpetrate their influence to win the next election and also to keep the ways of making money free from trouble. If an honest officer thinks that his duty is the same at any place of posting he does not bend before politicians. We all know of an IAS officer who was transferred 44 times in 22 years of his service. He filed a case against a family member of one of the top most politicians in the country. It is unfortunate that such people are rare.

Trade Unions which protected the employees earlier lost their power and are almost ineffective today. But an awakening of self respect in employees can bring in a change in the situation. Spiritual gurus and writers should try to bring in that awakening. But more than that effective control of corruption, which is at the root of every problem in India, will make the executive function without fear or favour. Scope for deviation from rules is the breeding ground for corruption. Digitalization removes personal discretion and does not allow deviation from rules. So it is effective in controlling corruption and thereby can free executive from the clutches of politicians and public welfare would become a reality. So let us welcome more digitalization. Proper functioning of departments like Police, Vigilance, Enforcement Directorate, CID, Income Tax, Audit will help cleaning up India with digitalization. 

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Education is one of the best ways to bring in good changes. Reading of moral stories, knowing about lives of great people as part of education will help in building up a steadfast personality which is essential for the well being of an individual as well as society. A person who begins to care for human values will surely behave in a cultured way and will try to cooperate with others rather than dominate them for his selfish ends. So our education system should include character building as its primary objective. Without that any amount of knowledge acquired or skill developed may not be used in the right way for the benefit of all.

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( On the Day of Civil Services)

Rajendra Singh Baisthakur
Rajendra Singh Baisthakur
Rajendra Singh Baisthakur had been a Lecturer in English. He is a poet, critic and translator. His interests are Literature, Philosophy and social media.

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