Friday, January 24, 2025


Divine Musings – 12

When still a nestling, I learned to flutter wings
to soon return to roost… my mother’s lap.
When young it was freedom-I flew with winds
across and too against. I stopped to flap
my wings sometimes and dipped to pick some fish
or insect. And often I strayed wayward
until I’s tired, when felt silence a bliss
and crooned in semisoun looking skyward.

I know these woods from end to end…not more
When I behold the infinite expanse
I wonder where can be the golden door
to world beyond, and how to join that séance
where the Masters of the universe explore
the mysteries of occult transcendence.
I know one thing-it’s not a distant lore;
well nigh-behind my own material fence.

My claws but itch to scrap that true wisdom,
my belly aches and feathers yearn to hatch
the hiding egg of cosmic conundrum.
My flesh is vain and senses cannot catch
even a glimpse of splendid halidom.
It’s time from worldly lures I now detach.
May be I hear one day that gentle hum
of Guru’s voice, that helps me break the latch.

Mydavolu Venkata Sesha Sathyanarayana, who writes with the pen name MAHATHI, is a renowned Indian English poet. He has been on a mission to popularize Indian epics and philosophy, through his poems and long poems; especially in Western countries. He basically composes metrical verses in classical style, though not averse to composing free verses. His books FINDING THE MOTHER (SRI SUNDARA KANDA), HARE KRISHNA, OCEAN BLUES and THE GANGES AND OTHER POEMS are very popular and brought him great name and fame. His poems are published in a number of Indian and American print magazines. Poet's phone number: +91 93093 76172

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