Friday, January 24, 2025

Education: Then and Now

When I was a small boy, about 60 years ago, our education system was so comprehensive that along with teaching of subjects, once in a week we had a library hour, a moral class, a citizenship training class and a craft class apart from Physical Training (PT) and Games periods. In the library class we were given story books and were asked to read them. This developed general reading habit in us. In the moral class our teacher used to tell us a story and asked us questions to make us realize the moral in it. That helped us know what is good and what is bad and how to behave. In the citizenship training we were told about the society and its governance. It helped us understand the system in which we live and our rights and duties.

Also read: English Medium

Learning craft

In the craft class we were taught handiworks like carpentry, book binding, various knots used by sailors and such other crafts depending upon the expertise of the craft teacher available in the school. Learning a craft makes one feel confident that even if one does not get employment he can survive practising his craft. Further it makes us realize that all people following different professions are equal and are necessary for the functioning of the society.

Also read: Need for Development of Communication Skills in English

Only sciences matter

Today we do not have this type of education with life skills but concentrate only on sciences. We fail to realize that a common man uses many gadgets discovered by science but he need not have studied the mechanism to use them. Arts and Social Sciences are necessary as they develop human values and civic sense in students.

Also read: Identification of the Needs of the 21st Century 

Rajendra Singh Baisthakur
Rajendra Singh Baisthakur
Rajendra Singh Baisthakur had been a Lecturer in English. He is a poet, critic and translator. His interests are Literature, Philosophy and social media.

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