Hyderabad: It was actress Keerthi Suresh’s Birthday on Saturday. She received a surprise gift from Tollywood actor Prince Mahesh which made her overwhelmed. She was announced as co-star in Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film ’Sarkaru vaari paata’ by the film makers via a special poster.
Mahesh Babu Tweeted here’s wishing the super talented a very happy birthday!! Team #SarkaruVaariPaata welcomes you aboard! Will make sure it’s one of your most memorable films.
Earlier there were rumors that she has been dropped and producers are looking for another actress, but on the eve of Keerthi’s birthday, Mahesh clarified with his tweet that she will be the co-star in the flick.
Parusuram who came into fame with ‘Geetha Govindam’ will direct this film with first schedule taking place abroad, Washington DC. Music is scored by S.S.Thaman and movie motion poster was released on August 9th, on the eve of Mahesh Babu’s birthday.
Bollywood’s Anil kapoor may act in a negative role opposite Mahesh which was not yet announced by film makers. Keerthi Suresh became famous in Tollywood with the film’ Mahanati,’ a biopic on great actress of yesteryears, Savitri, and has been waiting for another hit after previous masterpiece which won many awards. Prince Mahesh came up with ‘Sarileru Neekevvaru’ in 2020 January as pongal gift which was a hit at Box office. Makers of ‘Sarakaru Vaari Paata’ are planning to release the movie in August 2021.
Here’s wishing the super talented @KeerthyOfficial a very happy birthday!! Team #SarkaruVaariPaata welcomes you aboard!! Will make sure it’s one of your most memorable films💥💥💥 Have a great one !! 😊😊😊 pic.twitter.com/MPzEWc0uGE
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) October 17, 2020