Saturday, July 27, 2024

Farmers on hunger strike, dharnas in district headquarters

New Delhi : The farmers who have been agitating for more than two weeks demanding repeal of three farm laws have started their day-long hunger strike on Monday. Farmer leader Baldev Singh said, “Representatives of farmer unions have started hunger strike at Singhu border this morning.” Heads of 32 farmer unions have launched their hunger strike at 8 am. However, Bharatiya Kisan Union (Ekta Ugrahan) which organized a protest last week demanding the release of arrested activists, is keeping away from hunger strike. The union’s Punjab unit’s general secretary Sukhdev Singh said, “We will not participate in the hunger strike.”

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Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal also started hunger strike appealed to the people to give moral support to the cause of the farmers by skipping their lunch. “Fasting is good for health. Please fast to support our farmer brothers irrespective of wherever you are located. Pray for the success of their movement. They’ll definitely emerge victorious in the end,” the chief minister tweeted.

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At Singhu border where the farmers have been agitating since November 26, a farmer leader Gurnam Singh Chaduri, said dharnas in all the district headquarters across the country are taking place as part of the movement. Meanwhile, Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar had met Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday amid farmers’ protests. He was accompanied by Som Prakash. Both of them had discussed the issue with Railway Minister Piyush Goel aswell on Sunday.

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Also Read: Farmers fighting NDA and their Non-Democratic Alliances


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