Thursday, February 13, 2025

Are newspapers, electronic media in AP & TS confusing readers?

Are the readers relying more on social media to know the facts of an incident?

Will the media war in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana State lead to strengthening of social media? The political parties in the two states are unable to carry on without  a ‘newspaper’ of its own. Another party-owned newspaper ‘Namaste Andhra Pradesh’, owned by BRS, will hit the stands soon in Andhra Pradesh. YSRCP has its paper Sakshi in both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The people had clarity on both these papers – Sakshi and Namaste Telangana-because of its ownership. It is the right of the readers of these two papers may to  believe or not to believe the news carried by their mouthpieces.

Newspapers confuse the readers with their slanted reports?

The real issue is with the so called independent newspapers and channels that work as publicists of a political party. These media houses used to pose as neutral and independent organisations although they are, in fact,  working as pamphlets of a political party. National media is no different. As far as the two Telugu States are concerned, there are no neutral and independent vernacular newspapers and channels. The people are utterly confused with the political reportage being carried by the newspapers and channels. The facts are being msnipulsted to suit the interests of the parties patronising them.

It is very difficult to the readers to understand which news published or telecast by which newspaper or news channel is right. In this scenario, the readers and viewers are going to social media to find the facts of the particular incident. The readers need to do some exercise to come to conclusion on a particular incident. Definitely, it is a pitiable condition for the reader of the two states. One can understand the problem, if they checked the incidents that were taking place in Andhra Pradesh since for long. It means that the main media is giving scope in spreading and strengthening the social media in the two states.

There is no scope of coming of ‘independent’ media in Telugu states in the near future. Setting up a true independent newspaper is not a ‘cost effective’ is great challenge but it is sure to have good readership.

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