Saturday, December 7, 2024

Social Animal

Rajendra Singh Baisthakur

A lion does not kill if not hungry
A snake does not bite if not threatened
A cow does not eat more than required
A bird does not store for tomorrow.

Only man with insatiable desire
Eats beyond the limit of hunger
Cheats, hates, conspires
To amass unlimited wealth
Mostly at the cost of his health.

Lives between concrete walls
Maintains many weapons of destruction
Still feels less secure than animals in wilderness
Imagines security in having lots of money

Animals get only food for their children
Man can give much to so many
But keeps all for his generations many
Knowing well that he can’t take any
Blind he is though blessed with foresight
A very unsocial animal man is!

Also read: “Heritage”

Also read: Short comment on election results

Rajendra Singh Baisthakur
Rajendra Singh Baisthakur
Rajendra Singh Baisthakur had been a Lecturer in English. He is a poet, critic and translator. His interests are Literature, Philosophy and social media.

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