Saturday, July 27, 2024

Has Etala been trapped in a political web?

  • Why this sudden allegations on Rajender?
  • Why high speed enquiry was ordered?
  • What happened between CM and Etala?

Hyderabad: The series of episodes from Friday evening to Saturday in media and at Achampeta by Government officials raise doubts that Etala was trapped in a political web. The lightening enquiry in the history of Telangana politics with conclusive report within 24 hours along with action on the concerned minister (stripping of portfolio) certainly raises eye brows of a common man that something was cooking between CM K.Chandraekhar Rao (KCR) and Etala Rajender.

Will not meet or call CM: Etala Rajender

In a chit chat with close aides, Etela Rajender clarified that he will not make any call or will meet KCR on the issues happening from Friday evening. From 2018, I know something has been happening behind me, it is a well planned conspiracy against me to malign, but I won’t fear or move backward. In 2018 elections, ruling party leaders helped my opponent by funding to defeat me, raids took place on my house without any notice to me, but with people’s love and affection, I won the race in 2018, Rajender said. I tried to talk with KTR (KCR’s son and minister for municipal administration, K. Taraka Rama Rao who represents Siricialla) once about the issues happening in the party, but he did not pick up my call, Rajender said.

No place to launch a party

I am not planning to launch any new political party and have no idea to do so. Someone misguided CM on this issue and tried their best to widen the gap and was successful, Rajender further said.

Rajender’s close sources say that the conspiracy against Rajender started in 2018 during elections time. Rajender was not confident at that time that the party will come into power due to the anti incumbency and false promises made by the party during the election campaig and the effect of the first term rule. He even tried to convince party leaders that they should change and focus on real development rather than false promises. This irked K. Chandrasekhar Rao as per his followers.

Balakishan too unhappy

Rasmayi Balakishan joined chorus with Rajender at that time expressing disappointment with the pace of development in the state. Balakishan said that much was not seen in education sector even after separate statehood has been achieved. Balakishan also supported Rajender by adding statement like” I and Rajender only can speak truth and became part of Telangana movement based on facts and dreamt of separate state, but nothing has changed much except the name”.

The rise in dissent voice worried KTR who countered by saying that the portfolios enjoyed by the minister was due to party but not due to their image in the public.

Etala Rajender, Key person in T-agitation

Rajender, a six time MLA was a key person during Telangana statehood agitation. With Left wing ideology, he joined agitation in the year 2001 and is in party for 20 years. He is a key figure in the TRS after KCR, KTR, Harish Rao and kavitha. He served as finance Minister after formation of Telangana in 2014 with TRS forming Government.

After 2018 elections, when TRS won for the second time, there were rumours that Rajender will be kept out of the Cabinet, but was given health ministry at the end. But after that Rajender was slowly sidelined by party leadership. In the recent MLC elections also, Rajender was not given any responsibility. Decisions regarding his ministry were being taken by the CM without involvement of the minister.

Lone fighter during COVID Pandemic

As a health minister, Etala was seen as a lone fighter during COVID pandemic with no support from any minister or from CM. Though Etala appeared to be isolated at COVID crisis, he worked hard by monitoring the situation and improving facilities at Gandhi in Hyderabad and MGM at Warangal. He also took some individual decisions to come over the pandemic by warning private hospitals for fleecing the patients. This was not seen in TRS party before as the decisions were discussed by key persons like Harish Rao, KTR, Talasani Srinivas yadav before making any statement on behalf of Government.

But Rajender got a good reputation in public for his service as health minister during Corona first wave.

Options before  Rajender

Etala clarified that he has no idea of launching new party right now. But opposition parties are inviting him to fight against TRS party, Konda Visweswara Reddy said if a genuine person like Rajender joins his party, it will make him happy. Y.S .Sharmila also praised Rajender and came down heavily  on CM for making false allegations on a BC leader.

Rajender also getting invitation from Congress party, but until now Etala did not respond to any invitation. As per Rajender’s words, he did not do any mistake and will come out clean. His followers are saying that Rajender will expose the conspirators in coming days.

Pucca script-based: Etala

Rajender, who was now a minister without portfolio said that script is well planned with pucca action plan. The script is well directed and executed until now, but I am assuring once again to my followers not to worry as I did not commit any mistake.


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