We do not say “Rain Rain go away”, but we invite clouds to come again and rain. Each dark cloud is like Krishna. He is described as Neela Megha Shyama. Vishnu We SahasraNaama describes Him as MeghaVarnam and GaganaSadrusham.
Goda says, no, the cloud is God Himself, God of Cloud or Varuna. Be benevolent and rain on all without any dearth of your kindness. God of Cloud, you will go nearer to Ocean, absorb the salty water, fill the belly full, move heavily in the sky, and as Vishnu bears on his two strong arms – on the right, the lightning Chakra – the Disc and on the left –the thunderous Shankha (Conch), while His Shaarnga, the powerful Bow, releasing arrows, you shower the streams of rain.
Vishnu’s navel is the place of a lotus, wherefrom Brahma emerged. Being God of Gods, Vishnu rains bliss all over. Goda calls for her friends to take Margali bath in sacred water rained by Vishnu. Rain is the real source of wealth of all villages. Rain does not make any difference between the haves and havenots, higher or lower castes or status. It equitably rains on all without any discretion.
Also read: Tiruppavai-3: Narayana: divine name, philosophy and source of bliss
Also read: Tiruppavai Pashuram2
Also read: Tiruppavai-1 : Goda’s love letter: A poetic Garland